Saturday, November 30, 2013

Thanksgiving, and other weird encounters in Granada

Please, the next time you see someone you care for, give them the biggest bear-hug in the world. 

I have 22 days until I see my family next and I cannot wait for the hugs I will get!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The thing about studying abroad is, all of these people in your program, and the friends you meet, are in the same boat. We all are here without our loving families and our best friends. Most of us come here without knowing anyone and I wont lie, it is tough. It's impossible for us to NOT get homesick during the holidays but I got some wise insight from my very best friend Danielle: 

"Just remember these bumps are all temporary, don't let the homesickness keep you from enjoying anything." 

She's absolutely right! Even if some of us are getting homesick, it wont be long until I'll be back at home, and then I'll be missing Spain. How ironic...

So this weekend we had our Thanksgiving dinner celebration and a very nice restaurant where we gorged ourselves with: TOO MUCH BREAD, a turkey loaf with blueberry sauce, perfectly mashed sweet potatoes, and then some traditional pumpkin pie. And what is a Spanish meal without some red wine?!

Food will never fill the void of missing your family, but fortunately, it comes REALLY close. 

So naturally, the next night I went out with a few friends for a mexican dinner. I've been craving guacamole and chimichangas like no other. After dinner we met up with our friend Dorothy and hung out with her friends that live here in Granada! Our first Spanish house party guys....let me tell you about the culture difference. 

The Spanish are NOT out of control (well, for the most part). The stereotype is that the Spanish party all the time, and I would agree, but the partying is not reckless like "some stories I've heard about college parties". I do agree that the drinking age should be lowered in the U.S. because it seems that when we finally reach that legal age of 21, it's almost like playing catch-up. I mean, my parents were allowed to drink at 18 and they turned out half way sane (It's a true statement: Have you met my dad? Have you seen my mother's dancing in the kitchen?!)

I want to show you all how our friend dances. I cannot name names, but I'm not sure he's never danced before in his life. Hint: He's in the military. With this knowledge, I am only guessing that he thinks dancing is a lot like wresting or fighting someone. At this house party we decided to document his dance moves. This top photo displays me holding Dorothy by her arms behind her back preventing her from...well basically moving. This is one of his signature dance moves..
And this bottom one is our all-time favorite. He loves to put you in a 'gentle' choke hold and dance the night away. Dorothy is demonstrating this dance move on me. 
So we 'gently' let him know that you cannot put women into choke holds and think it's dancing with them. I cannot stop laughing, he's quite a gem :)

Later, we talked with a guy originally from the Canary Islands who speaks German, English and Spanish! SHEEEEESH!!! How accomplished!!  We asked him to be totally honest and give us his thoughts and impressions of the United States.....

Here it is folks: "We pretend we have a culture, when in fact, we have no REAL culture at all. We act like we're so laid back and cool with everything, yet half our laws conflict with each other (gay marriage rights or none, death penalty or none etc. It's a different law in each state) and we have this "high-fashion" that no one would ever really dream of wearing" 

Don't get mad. It's the truth. When I talk with the kids at the school I volunteer at, I ask what their favorite American food is and they answer with "hamburger and hot dogs". WHAT?! But it's sadly true. The U.S. isn't a uncultured place though, we're just lucky enough to have a mixture of EVERYTHING and anything. No country is perfect, and I'm pretty happy with where I was raised. 

For a lighter subject, something peculiar has been happening to me while running in the park lately. A a week or so ago, I was running along sweating profusely and sounding like I was working with only one lung or something. I've got my music in, no make up on and hair up in a bun. This is NOT a pretty sight. As I am running along, this man comes out of the corner of my eye and starts walking toward me. There are not a lot of people in the park and he clearly saw me running toward him (again, imagine a stressed out ostrich running and panting at you. Thats about what I look like running). This silly man almost walked straight into me as he was talking out loud, TO NO ONE! He was looking at me and I'm convinced he was trying to start a conversation. What, did he think I was going to stop and have a cup of coffee? The whole situation was weird and it made me run a tad faster...

THEN, a few days ago, I was running through that same park, working on my fourth mile. At this point in my run, I'm just a running zombie trying to make it home without collapsing. The man in a tight fitted gray shirt and gray sweat pants starts sprinting at me, across the park like he was trying to start a game of freeze tag or something. Maybe he thought I didn't see him sprinting, but when he got about 30 feet from me, we made eye contact and he slowed into a walk. AGAIN, this man is trying to walk right into the path I am running towards. There was a drinking fountain about 15 feet away and he makes it there staring at me as I am about to pass this fountain. He bends over to take a drink, while still staring, but doesn't actually drink any of the water. He just stands, bending over the water acting like he is drinking but not ACTUALLY drinking the water. Are you getting this yet? At this point I'm running and staring at this situation and he is bending over the water fountain staring at me with the water running. Yet another moment for me bust ass and run faster home. Spanish men are actually so weird.... or maybe it's this park I run in. Who knows.

I leave for Scotland and Ireland in two days! We have a long weekend off of our classes so Molly, Maeve, Abby and I are taking advantage. We booked a 6 day trip! After we get back, there is one week of regular classes, our finals week (AND MY BIRTHDAY) and then we're done! Unreal.... 

Look at how adorable my nieces are. I cant wait to snuggle them!!!!!!!

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